Core Comprehensive Behavioral Health Services:

1. Screening and Assessment:

  • On-Site: Upon intake, clients undergo comprehensive screenings to assess their mental health needs, substance use history, and any co-occurring disorders.
  • Process: Trained clinicians use standardized assessment tools to gather relevant information, identify symptoms, and evaluate the severity of conditions.
  • Outcome: This initial assessment guides personalized treatment planning and helps in determining appropriate levels of care.

2. Treatment Planning:

  • On-Site: Based on assessment findings, clinicians collaborate with clients to develop individualized treatment plans.
  • Collaboration: Plans outline specific goals, interventions, and expected outcomes, incorporating client preferences and strengths.
  • Holistic Approach: Treatment plans consider biological, psychological, and social factors influencing mental health and well-being.

3. Care Coordination:

  • On-Site: Dedicated care coordinators facilitate communication among multidisciplinary team members, ensuring seamless delivery of services.
  • Integration: Coordination extends to medical providers, social services, and community resources to support comprehensive care.
  • Advantages: Enhances continuity of care, promotes adherence to treatment plans, and addresses barriers to accessing services.

Non-Core Comprehensive Behavioral Health Services:

1. Diagnosis:

  • On-Site: Clinicians conduct comprehensive diagnostic assessments to determine specific mental health diagnoses.
  • Precision: Utilizing DSM-5 criteria, diagnoses guide treatment planning and ensure appropriate interventions.

2. Therapeutic Services:

  • On-Site: Therapists offer evidence-based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Smart Moves, and trauma-focused therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), Play Therapy, and Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP).
  • Flexibility: Individual, group, and family therapy sessions address diverse client needs and preferences.

3. Crisis and Emergency Services:

  • On-Site: Immediate response to crisis situations, including suicidal ideation or acute psychiatric distress.
  • Safety: Crisis intervention techniques ensure client safety and stabilize acute symptoms before transitioning to ongoing care.

4. Consultative Services:

  • Off-Site: Collaborative consultations with external specialists, including psychiatrists, addiction counselors, and forensic psychologists.
  • Expertise: Consultants provide specialized assessments, treatment recommendations, and second opinions to enhance care quality.

5. Case Management:

  • On-Site: Dedicated case managers oversee individualized care plans, coordinate services, and advocate for clients' needs.
  • Support: Addressing logistical challenges, accessing benefits, and navigating complex systems improves client outcomes.

Integration and Referral Process:

  • Integration: Seamless integration of core and non-core services ensures holistic treatment approaches tailored to individual client needs.
  • Referral Process: When specialized services are required beyond on-site capabilities:
    • Collaborative Network: Maintain partnerships with external providers and community agencies for referrals.
    • Communication: Facilitate smooth transitions and continuity of care through shared information and regular updates.
    • Client-Centered: Ensure clients are informed and involved in referral decisions, promoting empowerment and informed choice.


A behavioral health service site that offers core and non-core comprehensive services demonstrates commitment to holistic client care. By integrating screening, assessment, treatment planning, and care coordination with specialized diagnostic, therapeutic, crisis, consultative, and case management services, the site meets diverse client needs effectively. Through collaborative partnerships and a client-centered approach, the site enhances accessibility, continuity, and quality of behavioral health services, ultimately promoting improved mental health outcomes for individuals and communities served.

Consultations and Training for Mental Health Professionals:
Training and support for mental health professionals that provide therapy to children directly to Early Head Start, Head Start, Pre K and childcare facilities. Strategies to work with teachers and parents with infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Parenting Classes:

Divorce, Separation and Supporting your Child Through the Process


SPECIAL WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS are held from time to time on topics relevant to parents. Watch for dates and times.



verified by Psychology Today

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Hours of Operation


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm



