We accept 


Health Choice

Aetna and Aetna Better Health

United/UMR/Golden Rule


Community Care


Medicaid (children and adults)

Humana and Humana Healthy Horizons

Oklahoma Complete Health

Employee Assistance Programs

Services may be in covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Please check your plan carefully.

Sliding scale for individuals without insurance as well as grant funds when available. (Behavioral Health Only) Based upon federal poverty guidelines. Applications available for multiple options to assist clients in need of fee assistance and determine eligibility.


Your mental health is important to us! Our practice serves all clients regardless of their ability to pay.

Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.


¡Su salud mental es importante para nosotros! Nuestra práctica atiende a todos los clientes sin importar su capacidad de pago. Se ofrecen descuentos para servicios esenciales según el tamaño de la familia y los ingresos. 

Compassion Connect Program Guidance 

Sliding Scale Program


Program Overview: 

Compassion Connect is a counseling program designed to provide support and guidance to individuals seeking mental health services.  


Program Details: 

Session Approval: Clients are initially approved for 12 counseling sessions. Based on therapy participation and medical necessity. 


Each session is up to 60 minutes in duration.  


Session Extension: Upon completion of the initial 12 sessions, clients may request up to 12 additional sessions if available. This can continue until treatment goals are met. 


Income Guidelines: Clients must meet specific income guidelines to qualify for the program. However, we recognize deductibles are high and if your insurance allows you may participate in discounted or 0 cost therapy. We do not want you to experience a barrier to services due to cost.

Financial documentation is requested for verification. Submit required income documentation for eligibility.

 Frequency of Patient Eligibility: Patients' eligibility for the sliding fee discount will be reassessed every 6 months or earlier due to change in financial hardship. This ensures that individuals receive appropriate financial assistance as their circumstances may change over time.

Special Consideration for Inability to Pay: In cases where a patient cannot afford the nominal charges, we will reexamine their income or situation. If they do not meet the federal income guidelines and fee schedule, we may reduce costs to zero for a limited period of time to ensure access to necessary healthcare services. 

Attendance Policies: Clients must adhere to attendance policies to fully benefit from the program. 


Intake Paperwork: Completion of all intake paperwork is mandatory for participation. 

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Participation: Engage actively in the counseling process for optimal benefits. 


Program Advertisement: We will actively promote our sliding fee discount program through our website and prominently in the lobby of our facility. This ensures that all patients are aware of the financial assistance available to them.

Guidelines for Children's Therapeutic Strategies Sliding Fee Discount Program

Notification: Children's Therapeutic Strategies will ensure patients are informed of the Sliding Fee Discount Program through the following methods:

    • Payment policy is made available to all clients at time of service through our consumer handbook provided at intake
    • Each patient will be notified of the Sliding Fee Discount Program upon admission.
    • An explanation of the Sliding Fee Discount Program and the application form will be accessible on Children's Therapeutic Strategies' website.
    • Children's Therapeutic Strategies will prominently display notification of the Sliding Fee Discount Program in the clinic waiting area.

These guidelines ensure that patients are well-informed about the availability and application process of the Sliding Fee Discount Program at Children's Therapeutic Strategies, promoting transparency and accessibility to financial assistance for healthcare services.

Administration and Procedures for the Sliding Fee Discount Program at Children's Therapeutic Strategies

Administration: The Sliding Fee Discount Program will be administered by the business office manager or their designee at Children's Therapeutic Strategies. Staff will provide information about the program and offer assistance to patients in completing the application. Dignity and confidentiality will be strictly maintained for all individuals seeking or receiving healthcare services.

Completion of Application: The patient or responsible party must complete the Sliding Fee Discount Program application in full. Staff will be available to assist as needed. By signing the application, individuals confirm the accuracy of income information disclosed to Children's Therapeutic Strategies.

Eligibility: Discounts under the program are based solely on income and family size. Children's Therapeutic Strategies does not require applicants to apply for Medicaid/health insurance or undergo asset testing.

    • Definition of Family: A family is defined as a group of two or more individuals related by birth, marriage, adoption, or residing together, including non-related household members when calculating family size.
    • Income Includes: Gross wages, salaries, tips, business and self-employment income, unemployment compensation, Social Security, disability payments, pension or retirement income, alimony, child support, and other sources.

Income Verification: Applicants may provide one of the following for income verification: prior year W-2, two most recent pay stubs, letter from employer, or Form 4506-T (if W-2 not filed). Self-employed individuals must submit details of the most recent three months of income and expenses. Self-declaration of income or a signed statement may be accepted if written verification is not available.


    • Individuals with incomes at or below 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) receive a 100 percent discount on healthcare services.
    • Those with incomes above 100 percent but at or below 200 percent of the FPL are charged a nominal fee according to the sliding fee schedule updated annually based on the latest FPL guidelines.

Waiving of Charges: Approval from Children's Therapeutic Strategies' designated official is required for waiving charges in specific situations. All waivers must be documented in the patient's file along with an explanation.

Applicant Notification: Written notification of the Sliding Fee Discount Program determination, including the percentage of discount or reasons for denial, will be provided to applicants. If approved for less than a 100 percent discount or denied, Children's Therapeutic Strategies will assist the patient or responsible party in establishing payment arrangements.

Refusal to Pay: Patients expressing unwillingness to pay or failing to respond to payment obligations will be contacted in writing. Options include offering a payment plan, waiving charges, or referral to collections if necessary.

Record Keeping: All records related to Sliding Fee Discount Program decisions will be maintained confidentially in a centralized file by the office manager. This includes logs of approved applicants, coverage dates, percentages of coverage, denials, and unreturned applications.

Policy and Procedure Review: The Sliding Fee Schedule will be updated annually based on current Federal Poverty Guidelines. Children's Therapeutic Strategies will regularly review policies and procedures to identify and address barriers preventing eligible patients from accessing community care provisions.

In the event, a therapist is not contracted with Medicaid or Medicare we will waive the fee associated with the therapy sessions.

The federal guidelines and application are available at the front desk and we can email you if you are unable to come to the office.

Schedule Online Request a therapy appointment online here.

Please feel free to Contact



Hours of Operation


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm



